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Ziti authentication allows for n-factors of authentication - meaning that it is possible to support 1FA, 2FA, ...nFA authentication. One common setup for multi-factor authentication (MFA) is time-based one time passwords (TOTP). TOTP is commonly see in "authenticator" application (e.g. Google Authenticator, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator, etc). All "authenticator" applications support the same core TOTP RFC 6238 specification.


Ziti allows individual clients to enroll or un-enroll from MFA TOTP. Administrators can enforce TOTP enrollment through Authentication Policies and Posture Checks.

Authentication Policies

When enforced at authentication via Authentication Policies, clients are unable to transition from partially authenticated to fully authenticated without enrolling in MFA TOTP - leaving them unable to list services or connect to them.

MFA Posture Check

When enforced through the MFA Posture Check, clients still must become fully authenticated according to their authentication policy, however, access to services is determined by their policy and posture check access. If a service is granted only through a service policy that has an MFA posture check, they will not be able to connect to that service without enrolling in MFA TOTP.


High level flow:

  • A client initiates enrollment via POST /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa
  • The controller returns recovery codes and a TOTP secret
  • A client uses the TOTP secret to generate a TOTP code
  • A client submits the TOTP code via POST /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/verify
  • The controller saves the MFA TOTP configuration, subsequent authentication attempts will require an MFA TOTP code

Enrollment Status

Enrollment status can be checked by the client themselves through the following requests:


GET /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa

<empty body>


If enrolled: HTTP 200 ok

"isVerified": true

If enrollment started: HTTP 200 ok

"isVerified": true,
"recoveryCodes": ["code1", "..."],
"provisioningUrl": "otpauth://totp/<identity-name>?<secret>"

If enrollment has not been started: HTTP 404 Not Found


  • isVerified - true/false status for enrollment. If true only this value is returned. If false the current enrollment information is provided
  • recoveryCodes - an array of one-time use recovery codes that may be used in place of a TOTP code during authentication, only shown while enrollment has not been completed
  • provisioningUrl - an otpauth url used by authenticator applications, normally shown as a QR code

Restart Enrollment

If enrollment has been started but not completed a DELETE /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa should be used to abandon the unfinished enrollment and a new enrollment started.

Start Enrollment

Enrollment may be started by performing a POST /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa with {} as the body.

Verify & Complete Enrollment

Enrolment is completed by verifying the secret has been received by providing a currently valid TOTP code. A recovery codes are not treated as a valid value.

POST /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/verify

"code": "<totp-code>"

QR Code

To aid in enrollment, the current enrollment's provisioningUrl may be retrieved as a QR code. As long as an outstanding MFA TOTP enrollment is active an image is available at: GET /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/qr-code


MFA TOTP can be removed by an administrator at any time on behalf of a client. Clients may remove MFA TOTP enrollment from their account as long as they have access to a recovery code or TOPT code.

Client Removal

DELETE /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa

"code": "<totp-or-recovery-code>"

Administrative Removal

DELETE /edge/management/v1/identities/<id>/mfa

<empty body>>

Viewing Recovery Codes

At any time the current valid list of recovery codes may be viewed by the client by issuing the following request:

GET /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes

"code": "<totp-or-recovery-code>"

Regenerating Recovery Codes

At any time the current valid list of recovery codes may be replaced by the client by issuing the following request:

POST /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes

"code": "<totp-or-recovery-code>"